Geogebra classic online
Geogebra classic online

geogebra classic online

The content analysis method was used to collect data, and then chi-square tests and correlation analyses were used to analyze data. The purposes of this study were to compare the differences in the use of geometry in elementary school mathematics textbooks among Finland, Mainland China, Singapore, Taiwan, and the USA and to investigate the relationships between the design of the textbooks and students' performance on large-scale tests such as TIMSS-4 geometry, TIMSS-8 geometry, and PISA space and shape. Implications of an early integration of ICT in mathematics initial teacher training and its impact on developing technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) are drawn. Visualization appears as a basic competence associated to key mathematical processes. This study observes a shift in school routines when incorporating technology into the mathematics classroom. It also refers to the changes prospective teachers experience regarding the relevance visual dynamic representations acquire in teaching mathematics. This paper describes how GeoGebra-based dynamic applets – designed and used in an exploratory manner – promote mathematical processes such as conjectures.


It reports on the influence GeoGebra dynamic software use has on promoting mathematical learning at secondary school and on its impact on teachers’ conceptions about teaching and learning mathematics.

geogebra classic online

This case study investigates the impact of the integration of information and communications technology (ICT) in mathematics visualization skills and initial teacher education programmes. Ovom studijom pokazali smo da primena softverskog paketa GeoGebra doprinosi povećanju nivoa postignuća učenika, pozitivno utiče na prevazilaženje poteškoća u savladavanju i omogućava lakše razumevanje sadržaja geometrije. Na osnovu rezultata dobijenih istraživanjem, možemo zaključiti da su učenici obuhvaćeni eksperimentalnim programom postigli bolje rezultate na finalnom merenju postignuća u odnosu na učenike koji su pratili nastavu organizovanu na klasičan način. Sa tim ciljem sproveli smo istraživanje zasnovano na eksperimentu sa paralelnim grupama na uzorku od 165 učenika, u okviru kojeg smo ispitivali da li realizacija nastave uz primenu softverskog paketa GeoGebra na sadržajima geometrije pozitivno deluje na povećanje nivoa obrazovnih postignuća učenika u odnosu na klasičan način izvođenja nastave. Cilj rada jeste da utvrdimo uticaj primene softverskog paketa GeoGebra na obrazovna postignuća učenika četvrtog razreda osnovne škole. U tom kontekstu, GeoGebra softver omogućava učenicima lakše savladavanje i prevazilaženje poteškoća u razumevanju sadržaja koji se odnose na geometrijske pojmove. Obrazovni softveri nude brojne mogućnosti procesu nastave, a posebno početnoj nastavi matematike. Therefore, it can be concluded that Geogebra Classic application was able to help students understand geometry-related learning materials. This indicated that there is an impact of the use of Geogebra Classic application on geometry learning outcome of the fifth graders. In the meantime, the t-test on the study revealed that the value was 0.002 < 0.05 meaning that the hypothesis was accepted.

geogebra classic online

The results of the study showed that the average difference of the score of fifth graders after having treatment of using the application were 66.4 for the pre-test and 81.2 for the post-test. The data were required through statistical tests and analyses through SPSS 21.0 for Windows. Serving as the subjects of this study were students of fifth grade in an elementary school in Malang, Indonesia. The method employed was experimental research using Non-equivalent Control Group Design. This study aimed to identify the impact of Geogebra Classic application towards geometry learning outcome of fifth graders.

Geogebra classic online